楼主 |
发表于 2017-7-5 17:55:06
来自: 中国台湾
一般來說, 添加劑手法分 2 part, 3 part, light balling and full balling.
Full balling 包含使用低鈉鹽,可以大幅減少換水量甚或不用換水來防範離子失衡. 但既然我仍是換水一派的, 就沒有太多對 full balling 的想像.
廣意來說, Balling method 就是用添加劑來補充魚缸中慢慢被消耗掉的元素, 不論巨量元素丶微量元素丶及其他.
AF 產品由說明上及其系列來看, 有為如老齊這種KZ 重度使用者,已建構大量滴定設備的系統缸,可以一種元素一個滴定頭, 客製化精準滴定, 達到你對珊瑚顏色和成長的挑惕, 也具有如 Red Sea 將幾種元素combine成A, B, C 三種添加物的傻瓜配方.
慢慢搜集和消化ㄧ下 AF系統 ...
Official site / 官方網站 : http://aquaforest.eu/en/wszystkie-produkty/
User manual / 使用手冊 : user manual PDF or 電子書[/COLOR]
Live Rock 活石
AF 建議主缸內可以放置活石 (Live Rocks and/or Reef Bones)
Sand Bed 底沙
AF 建議 2 ~ 3 公分底砂 (coral sand), 換水時可以虹吸底砂去除髒污, 但不是硬性規定。
Water Change 換水
建議每週換水 5% ~ 10%
AF Mineral Salts
Q:So can mineral salts be over dosed? How would I know?
A:Not sure if there's a way to test, but it should be added in the same dose you are adding the calc and alk. The mineral salt is balancing the extra Sodium chloride created when corals use the calcium from calcium chloride and carbonate from the sodium hydrogen carbonate. Basically adding the extra elements in reef salt to the excess plain salt created from the calc and alk mixing.
When corals use the calcium from calcium chloride and carbonate from the sodium hydrogen carbonate, the sodium and chloride is left over, which is plain salt, not seasalt. The sodium chloride free mineral salt is used to create seasalt again, it contains the missing ingredients like magnesium, sulfate, strontium etc. However, now you are adding seasalt to your tank, which will raise the salinity over time, in order to avoid this, you should remove some water from the tank. the skimmer will take some out, sometimes it is enough, sometimes it is not, then you need an extra dosing pump to do this to keep salinity stable. Rule of thumb is to remove 1.8 times what you are adding from pump 1. ex: pump 1 adds 100ml/day (KH), pump 2 adds 100ml/day (CA), pump 3 adds 100ml/day (mineral salt), then pump 4 should take out 180ml/day to keep salinity stable.
AF for dummy
Macroelement 巨量元素不外乎Alkalinity, 鈣, 鎂
Microelement 微量元素指的是鉀, 鐵, 碘, 氟, 鍶, 微量重金屬
Component +1, +2, +3 vs Component A, B, C, vs Component Strong a,b,c,k
如果有使用鈣反, 並有處理鎂及鉀, 則建議使用component a,b,c 補充微量元素即可. 不需使用component +1,+2,+3. 因為+1,+2,+3 就是用來補充 KH, Ca, Mg 及其他微量元素, 也就是我所謂的傻瓜配方
Component strong & Component a,b,c 很容易confuse. Component strong 則是給想要較精準使用滴定法的玩家, 其 a,b,c, k 是用來加在缸主有為魚缸調配好的鈣, 鎂, 小蘇打, 鉀 及礦物鹽溶液桶中, 而非直接加入主缸中, 以達到更佳的綜合配方, 並減少滴定頭之數量.
台灣化工便宜的很, 直接滴定小酥打,氯化鈣, 氯化鎂, 氯化鉀給他用下去. 一毛也不用讓AF賺
-NP Pro 補充碳源
滴定使用AF Component A, B, C 補充微量元素
滴定使用 Iron
Apex DoS-a x 2 : Baking Soda, CaCl2
Apex DoS-b x 2: MgCl2, af RMS salt
GHL Doser2 x 4 : af Component a, af Component b, af Component c, Start3
GHL Doser2.1 x 4 : K+, KZ Xtra, af Amino, KZ B-Balance
手動添加如 Micro E, Iodum, Strontium, Fluorine 來加強自己想要凸顯的顏色
至於其他餵食如AF Energy, AF Vitality, AF Build, AF Amino Mix 則依舊手動添加
AF 14天開缸
Bio S (mix with new water) + Pro Bio S + Pro Bio F + -NP Pro
第一到第14天應添加 Bio S (用量依照瓶上標籤用量即可), Phosphate Minus, Carbon
測量Ammonia and Nitrite
當Nitrite 趨近於零 (~ 14th day), 停止添加Bio S, 改添加 Pro Bio S, 並開使一般AF產品使用。此時可以開始放小量, 強壯的生物。
Bio S for NO2 remove
Pro Bio S to transform phosphate, nitrate and organic compounds to a biomass
Pro Bio F work like Start 3
-NP Pro work like Accelerator of Pro Bio F and also KZ's Sponge Power
老齊 Way for RMS balling:
AF 的KH buffer 基本上就是小蘇打 (由 10g 可使100L 魚缸水上升0.33dkh就可看出,而且恐怕還沒你在COSCO買的純)。配方比 80g 對1000ml RO/DI水也和我配方一模一樣。那就簡單了.......
既然我的小蘇打配方濃度都和AFㄧ樣, 照理說我的RMS 也應該照AF建議, 25g mix 1000 ml RO/DI water,然後滴定添加量與小蘇打配方一樣,這樣就行了。
Use 25 g * 2 = 50 g mixed with 1000ml RO/DI water. Add 1/4 amount as Baking Soda solution per day
既然是Balling method, 滴定自然少不了....