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发表于 2010-6-26 13:54:55
来自: 中国上海
Tropic Marin SEASALT
"Tropic Marin"已经成为海水水族的一部分有超过40年之久。随着这一爱好的发展,TM海盐也在不断改进。具有医药等级的海盐,天然海水中所有70种微量元素,如天然海水中的比例配置,不含硝酸盐、磷酸盐和其它有害化学物质,这一海盐产品提供了一种适合海水鱼、海水植物、软体的天然环境。TM海盐被成功地用于世界各地的动物园、公共水族馆和科研机构。
Tropic Marin PRO-REEF
珊瑚礁独有的美丽和多样性吸引着越来越多的水族爱好者。新的海盐产品TM PRO-REEF海盐经过调整,适用于现代礁岩缸的特殊要求:最理想的钙镁浓度促进珊瑚生长,让照顾非常敏感的硬珊瑚变得轻松。使用PRO-REEF能够让缓冲系统和PH水平得到特别的调节,以稳定至天然海水条件,并适应钙添加剂或钙反应器的使用。
问:We’d like to know the actual differences among the three kinds of TM seasalts.
答:TM Sea Salt is the basic mix with high alkalinity adapted to fish only tanks and reef tanks with invertebrates with high food demand and high metabolic activity. Also for tanks with not many calcareous animals. PRO-REEF is the same basic mix but with a higher content of calcium and magnesium than TM Sea Salt. The alkalinity and pH is slightly lower to stabilize the water conditions even with using calcium supplements or calcium reactors. BIO-ACTIF is the same mix as PRO-REEF (higher calcium/magnesium level) but including natural biopolymere which increase the decomposition of nutrients leading to very positive effects described in the brochure on page 9. BIO-ACTIF is actually the most advanced sea salt available. Please find attached an older brochure which gives more details to distinguish between TM Sea Salt and PRO-REEF
问:Regarding the seasalt with Article No.10155, we notice that in the list “Katalog_2010_72dpi”the related item is marked “30 kg Sack für / for ca. 1200 l” while in the list “Pricelist WP RTE 2009_2” the corresponding note is “10155 TM Seasalt 900 l bag”. So we are a little bit confused about its mix capacity. How much volume of seawater it can actually mix, 1200 liters or 900 liters?
答:As a basic rule 1 kg sea salt creates 30 l sea water. So the 30 kg sac is ok for roughly 900 l. The new catalogue has to be corrected. Thanks for your hint.
基本上是这样一个规律,1公斤的海盐能够配置30升海水。所以30公斤包装可以大概配900升海水。新的产品册会把错误的地方改过来。感谢你的提醒。 |