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发表于 2023-1-5 21:11:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国辽宁本溪
想问问大家的zeo沸石桶都是怎么运行的,我的jet沸石桶水泵一直开,每天三次旋转,每次1分钟,最近发现大森林不出毛了,珊 瑚颜色普遍发淡,正常700升水就了一袋子多点沸石,能是水太瘦的原因吗
发表于 2023-1-5 23:44:29 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国
沸石好像珊 瑚颜色确实会变淡一点
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发表于 2023-1-14 00:15:31 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江杭州
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发表于 2023-1-28 14:48:17 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国北京
duanmujihui 发表于 2023-1-14 00:15

4小是错的,guide里说的是3小时。“The pump should be switched on and off at an interval of 3 hours (3 hours on, 3 hours off, 3 hours on, 3 hours off, etc.) leading to an alternating environment of aerobic and anaerobic conditions.”  “This is not absolutely necessary in stable and very nutrient poor tanks.”     

BTW,新的“ZEOvit® & Korallenzucht Guide – Easy Reefing”里面再也没有提到这个事情了。

我建议楼主关注一下水流量是不是过大了,或者重新计算一下沸石的量“In order to calculate the required amount of material, take the gross water volume of the total system and subtract approximately 20% for an average decorated tank to come up with the net water volume.”
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发表于 2023-2-13 14:09:49 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
搅拌太勤了,一天一次足矣,多喂珊 瑚粮
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