本帖最后由 Helo不Kity 于 2022-7-5 14:33 编辑
“2022-06-29 客服已经答复在紫一、紫二模式的情况下,也是遵循上面的设置标准,也就是如果2个泵联动,主泵的功率是40%,你的副泵也想设置40%的功率,那么在软件上副泵的功率应该是100%,不能设置成40%(如果设置成40%,实际功率就是40%(主泵)*40%(副泵)=16%)。”-----不一定正确。
2022-07-05 我是白色控制器,我发现在紫二的模式下,如果副泵开到100%的功率的话,短脉冲还是正常的晃来晃去,但是过了短脉冲以后,副泵就以自己的功率来运行,直接到100%,速度最大,完全不遵守主泵的功率,我给副泵调到40%就正常了,不知道是不是白色控制器的是特例。大家用紫二的时候再观察,上面6月29日客服说的话大家参考,不一定正确。
“hi~i have a question,when i set up my vortech pumps use reeflink,i set my master pump is 40%,the max speed of slave pump is 100%?
how can i set the slave speed in ecosmartlive.i want the master pump speed is 40%,the slave pump is anti-sync~~i am very confuse when i see the speed in ecosmartlive.
when the master pump is 40%,should i set the slave pump max speed 40 in ecosmartlive?or 100%?”
“Thank you for contacting EcoTech Marine. In this case, the percent of the speed placed on the child will affect the intensity of the child. In this case, if you set the Child to 50%, this will cause it to run at 20% of the intensity, as this is 50% of the programmed 40%. Let me know if you have any further questions!”